Bus Route Unique Color
Able to generate a unique color per-route, using a combo of borough and route number let route = random(stop.routes) let hue = boroughToBaseHue[route.split(/\d+/)[0]] let routeNumber = parseInt(route.match(/\d+/)[0]) let lineColor = color(hue + ((routeNumber % 3) * 2) , (50 + routeNumber) % 80, 60)
Bus Url Param
Script Updated to use URL param to load specific stop information, should give basic tool for automation.
Bus Stop Information Parsing
Parsing through MTA bus stop files to reach form that’s easy to use down the the line.
Bus Stop Start
Start generative logo project for NYC bus stops. Need to write up general idea as well
More Base Work
Slight additional work on base layer, still need to figure out how to differentiate utilities, get level of detail right.
Continued Axon
Continuing to work on exploded axon view of core home (fitting into footprint of shipping container). Need to figure out how to differentiate visually all of the different types of ‘utility’ items inside of it.
Mobile Home First Views
Here’s the initial look at the ‘core’ of the mobile home, all of the contents are designed to fit inside of a 20 x 8 shipping container, to allow it to be easily moved. While still in modelling, something closer to the likely finished view
Mobile Home Intro
First Post
This is the start of a micro-blog documenting my process of creating a portfolio to apply to graduate programs in architecture. There’s two primary goals for this blog, one, to provide an external look into the process of creating a portfolio to apply to school, and two, to provide an accountability mechanism to make sure that I’m making enough progress towards completing it. My plan is to post at least once a day over the next 4~5 months (ideally more).